a). Your Screen name you mainly use in games, and want to use here. - Anarchist
b). Your current age. - 22
c). Whether you currently belong to another team, squad, clan or not. - nope
d). How you found TNT, or where you heard about us, from a member, blog, posting, server, etc... - umm like a boss i talked to Tirent panther and some other TNT guys and played some games with them
e). A statement that you have read our Honor Code and agree with it. - yup read it agree
and i didn't take his name i am just pro like this
I wana try to join TNT
- CO.Cobra[TNT]
- Posts: 270
- Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:01 am
- Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Re: I wana try to join TNT
Thanks for request, we will have a recruiter get with you shortly.
- Posts: 321
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:25 pm
- Location: Dirty Jersey
Re: I wana try to join TNT
thanks Anarchist for posting again as I lost all your info from our forums going down. I will be your recruiter. So to start this off on the right foot, I wanted you to know I am BOSS!! LMAO. I will get with you soon on TS to discuss. I am on as much as possible, but was injured in a fire and had to have knee surgery so I am not on as much as usual. It is getting better slowly so I have been coming on more. Just don't want you to think I forgot about you.
Recruiter Supervisor a.k.a. BOSS!! LMAO
Recruiter Supervisor a.k.a. BOSS!! LMAO
Re: I wana try to join TNT
lol ok ok your the boss today tomorrow tho who knows sorry to hear about the fire and surgery hope your doing better
- Posts: 321
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:25 pm
- Location: Dirty Jersey
Re: I wana try to join TNT
Thanks, sitting on ts with you right now but no answer. LOL. ltr
Re: I wana try to join TNT
yeah sorry bro i think it is glitched cause i havnt been on team speak for like a month and when you post this my pc was off for the last 5 days
- Posts: 321
- Joined: Sat Jun 11, 2011 5:25 pm
- Location: Dirty Jersey
Re: I wana try to join TNT
it's cool was just busting your chops lol